Have It Your Way:

This blog is a cooperative endeavor, with posts from many people, each of whom has his own perspective and his own style. I think it works very well this way; I much like the posts of all my cobloggers; and I’m pretty sure that we’d have many fewer readers if there were fewer cobloggers (since each coblogger’s posts often bring in readers who might otherwise never have visited, and who might now come again).

Nonetheless, I realize that some readers might prefer to read posts only from some of the bloggers. I don’t recommend it; and though the feature has been publicized before, my sense (based on one review of the logfiles that contain this information) is that fewer than 1% of our visitors use it. On the other hand, I’m a big believer in letting people Have It Their Way, when that’s not too burdensome for the rest of us. So just as a reminder: If you use the URL

Move to Reason site

(for instance, https://volokh.com/?bloggers=jim,orin or https://volokh.com/?bloggers=davidb) you will get those posts written by the named bloggers, and no others. If you use the URL

Move to Reason site

(for instance, https://volokh.com/?exclude=eugene) you will get all posts except those written by the named bloggers. The names are each blogger’s first name, except that the Davids’ names are DavidB, DavidK, and DavidP.

I should warn you, though, that this feature is what we techies call “unsupported”: If it breaks, we don’t promise to fix it. (While I’m talking techie, let me also thank again Chris Lansdown for implementing this cool feature.)

Finally, I say it again: I don’t advise people to use this feature; each of the cobloggers has a lot to add, especially since each has his own expertise and interests, and I think readers will be better off seeing all the posts. But I realize that readers, shockingly, have their own ideas, and I’d like to be able to accommodate them to the extent that it’s convenient.

UPDATE: Reader Trent McBride writes:

I think the best part of the
selective and exclusive feature of the blog URL is to search past posts. If I’m trying to go back and find a Randy Barnett post whose date I can’t remember, it’s nice to filter out 95% of the blog to more quickly find what I was looking for.

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