Letter To John Perry Barlow From A Pot-Smoking Deadhead Bush Voter:

This letter on
Dean’s World says it all. A few of the great quotes:

“A lot of us grew up being told to question authority, and a lot of that authority we now question is the left-wing orthodoxy of your generation…”

“In other words, I’ve experienced firsthand just how hateful, intolerant, and irrational you guys can be when someone dares to question your beliefs. You guys often come off exactly like the theocratic mullahs and the lock-step fascists you claim to hate (but which you, oddly enough, don’t seem willing to use American power to try to overthrow).”

“You guys may have whipped a bunch of dumbass kids into a rage by feeding them Michael Moore style hate-propaganda, but you equally p—– off a bunch of other folks in the process who showed up to vote just to spite you guys for being such mean-spirited, reactionary, paint-by-numbers, bigoted, closed-minded jerks.”

“It reached a point for a lot of us that on election day, we were doing more than just saying ‘We want to re-elect George Bush.’ When we pulled that lever for Bush, we were also just plain saying ‘F— YOU!'”

Were Deadheads who question the authority of the official Questioners of Authority among the micro-groups which Karl Rove targeted? Has the independent Question Authority voting bloc become a counterforce against the Politically Correct authority which proclaims its love for diversity and tolerance, but is more intolerant of intellectual diversity than any other large group in the United States?

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