People Unclear on the Concept:

The Austin American-Statesman writes:

John Corvino was visiting Austin three months ago when he met a man at a Congress Avenue coffee shop and decided to take a walk with him on the nearby Capitol grounds.

They spent several minutes chatting and occasionally kissing. Then, according to a written complaint, they were interrupted by a state trooper who told them twice that “homosexual conduct is against the law in Texas.”

Texas Department of Public Safety officials said Friday that they have placed the trooper, Michael Carlson, on probation for six months and issued a written reprimand. Carlson also has been ordered to undergo more training on Texas laws. . . .

Texas law does not prohibit gay people from kissing. . . .

I’m not sure that public kissing, regardless of the parties’ sex (and whether or not on the first date), has ever been illegal in Texas. It would take a strikingly misinfored police officer to assume that it is illegal today — either that, or an officer who thinks his job is to enforce his personal preference, rather than the law.

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