It has been said that good economics consists of proving that water runs downhill. I herewith present the abstract for a new economics article by David Blanchflower and Andrew Oswald that came out on the SSRN abstracting service today, entitled “Money, Sex and Happiness: An Empirical Study” (I have bolded the key sentence):

The links between income, sexual behavior and reported happiness
are studied using recent data on a sample of 16,000 adult
Americans. The paper finds that sexual activity enters strongly
positively in happiness equations.
Higher income does not buy
more sex or more sexual partners. Married people have more sex
than those who are single, divorced, widowed or separated. The
happiness-maximizing number of sexual partners in the previous
year is calculated to be 1. Highly educated females tend to have
fewer sexual partners. Homosexuality has no statistically
significant effect on happiness.

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