I was born in Pittsburgh and I am a lifelong Steelers fan. Now my wife thinks I’m insane, just because I’ve started calling my two dogs “Bus” and “Duce.” My older, larger yellow laborador retriever is the Bus (Jerome Bettis), of course, because his size and because he is yellow like a school bus. My chocolate lab puppy is “Duce” because in addition to being smaller in size and younger, she is also the “Number 2” dog (get it, “Duce” like “deuce” or #2). Seems perfectly logical to me, so I don’t know why my wife thinks it is so crazy. I get the impression that she thinks I might be a bit overexcited about the game.

In a similar vein, I have been looking everywhere on line to try find the hilarious NFL “Time to Get Your Story Straight” commercial. This is the one that starts off with the text “Four Months Ago…” and then has all the guys making their various bad predictions (my favorite–“Ricky Williams has only one thing on his mind, and that’s winning football games”). I couldn’t find it on NFL.com when I looked recently and haven’t been able to find it anywhere, so if anyone else has found it, please shoot me the link if you would. All I could find on NFL.com is its lame upcoming Super Bowl commercial with various guys singing “Tomorrow,” which I didn’t find very amusing.

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