Nightline on Extreme Associates:

Unless a major news story breaks that pushes it off the schedule, I will be on ABC’s Nightline tonight discussing the reasoning and implications of last Friday’s decision in United States v. Extreme Associates, which I blogged about here on Friday. I may only be on for a few seconds — you never really know with TV — but it sounds like they are planning an interesting show.

  UDPATE: Yup, I was on for only a few seconds. I thought the intro segment explaining the legal issues was pretty well done. The interview segment was a bit unusual, though, as the defendant himself (rather than his attorney) was one of the two guests. I suppose the defense team’s thinking here was that putting the defendant in front of the camera humanizes him; viewers see that the government indicted a real person, and someone who doesn’t feel he has anything to hide. Still, it’s a bit odd to hear a pornographer try to explain Justice Scalia’s dissent in Lawrence v. Texas.

  ANOTHER UDPATE: Chris Geidner has thoughts on the show, too.

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