Ask Law Review Lara:

Over the years, I’ve thought and written quite a bit about law reviews, from the perspective of academic authors, student authors, editors, cite-checkers, would-be members, and more. So I thought it might be helpful to revive the Ask Law Review Lara column.

If you have questions — again, whether you’re a student, a lawyer, or professor, whether you’re on law review or want to get on law review, or whatever else — just pass them along to me at volokh at I can’t be sure that I can answer all your questions, but I’d like to give them a shot.

I hope to answer most questions on-blog, though I’ll be happy to exclude your name and the name of your school or journal. (That will be the default, unless you ask me otherwise.) I may also post some of the answers on the support page for my Academic Legal Writing book.

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