Judicial Running Dogs of Capitalism:

More Proculianisms:

There is not a single judge on the federal bench who isn’t willing to be dishonest if that is necessary to serve the interests of the capitalist class. Some judges, like Reinhardt, are dishonest in the service of capitalism with a “gentle mask,” and others, like Kozinski, are dishonest in the service of greed unbound. The whole point of the judiciary in a capitalist society is to mask relations of power in the thin veneer of the rule of law.
In fairness, this perspective used to be very common on the legal left, and has been overtaken by a focus on issues of race, sex, etc.
This blogger claims to be an untenured professor at a school that likes to think of itself as a top ten law school. That either means it’s (1) a very clever satire; (2) he/she is lying; or (3) he/she doesn’t care much about staying anonymous. There are only a handful of untenured profs at the fifteen or so “top ten” schools, and it’s not like someone like this could resist using the phrase “class struggle” in public occasionally, is it?

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