Dirty War:

Just watched the HBO Film Dirty War. As is to be expected with a BBC production, it is very well done. British actors are capable of conveying a sense of realism in their dramatic performances that is usually unmatched–at least in the productions that make it over here. Here is the description:

In a post-9/11 world, how do you prepare for the unthinkable? This alarming HBO Films thriller chronicles the hypothetical story of how a terrorist “dirty bomb” attack might be planned and executed in London despite the best efforts of law enforcement–as well as how devastating such a strike would be. Warned of the possibility of a radioactive-weapons attack, members of Scotland Yard–including an Islamic undercover detective and several high-ranking terrorism experts–desperately try to find the perpetrators before they can construct and detonate their dirty work. But when the worst happens in the financial heart of London, the city’s inadequate emergency-services are put to an immediate test…with disturbing results.

Highly recommended. Check out future show times here (enter “Dirty War” into the search box).

And speaking of highly recommended, HBO is nearly half way through rerunning the first season of Deadwood, the best western drama ever televised. For my original review of the show click here. If you can stand the profanities, the dialogue, plot, and performances are riveting. Check out show times here.

Update: A reader writes:

For those of us without HBO, PBS is scheduled to air Dirty War on Wednesday, Feb. 23 at 9:00 p.m. (check local listings). The PBS presentation will be followed by a half-hour panel discussion with experts in homeland security, emergency preparedness, nuclear weapons and terrorism. BTW, I understand they will be editing a nude scene that appears in the original.

(The brief nude scene is of women being decontaminated in a shower.)

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