Gorilla Sexual Harassment:

The AP reports:

Two fired caretakers for Koko, the world-famous sign-language-speaking gorilla, have sued their former bosses, claiming they were pressured to expose their breasts as a way of bonding with the 300-pound simian. . . .

The suit claims [the Gorilla Foundation’s president, Francine] Patterson pressured the two women on several occasions to expose their breasts to Koko, a 33-year-old female sometimes in situations where other employees could potentially view their bodies. . . . They were threatened that if they “did not indulge Koko’s nipple fetish, their employment with the Gorilla Foundation would suffer,” the lawsuit alleged.

The lawsuit claims that on one occasion Patterson said, “‘Koko, you see my nipples all the time. You are probably bored with my nipples. You need to see new nipples.'” . . .

Forget the legal analysis — just appreciate the full-on weirdness.

Thanks to Slate‘s Explainer for the pointer.

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