New Media Analysis

My latest media column for the Rocky Mountain News examines the Baby 81 hoax from Sri Lanka (in which, supposedly, nine families claimed the same baby who was recovered from the tsuanami). I also look at media coverage of the UN rape scandals, and of the Saudi high school in Virginia which produced the alleged would-be assassin of President Bush.

People interested in following the Ward Churchill controversy should check out the very comprehensive collection of links from Pirate Ballerina. Another indispensible source is the material posted on the webpage of the Caplis & Silverman Show, from KHOW radio. What the links make clear is that the Churchill case is not about the freedom to express unpopular views about U.S. policy; it’s about a consummate fraud and bully, who advocates and provides instructions for Americans to commit murderous terrorist attacks within the United States. It is also clear that the University of Colorado has protected Churchill for many years despite knowledge of his misconduct and fraud.

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