Anti-Semite Forum Posting Pictures of Allegedly Jewish UCLA Faculty Members:

So far here, here, here, and here. I must admit that I was the proximate cause of this: I was quoted (though somewhat incompletely) in an article about white supremacist groups and free speech in the wake of the murders of Judge Lefkow’s husband and mother; a white supremacist e-mailed me, and let’s just say that I wasn’t overly friendly to him. I regret that this has gotten my colleagues involved in all this, but this is America and I’m not going to be nice to Nazis to try to get them to go away.

So, yeah, we’re Jews. Yeah, we’re overrepresented on university faculties, in law and medicine, in the Senate, on the Supreme Court. Speaking of Nazis, we were overrepresented on the Manhattan Project, too.

The most powerful country in the world, America, is one of the ones that has been most open to Jews. Look at the most anti-Semitic countries in recent history: Nazi Germany, the Soviet Union, the Arab world. Right up there at the forefront of civilization and power, aren’t they? Is it all the workings of The Conspiracy? Or is it just that the sorts of idiots who hate Jews do other idiotic things, too?

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