What are the Rules on Evolution?

Paul Krugman explains that the reason that there aren’t more conservative scientists is because they are skeptical of evolution (a caricature, as Orin notes, of course, but accept it for a moment), whereas the left believes in evolution. “Thirty years ago, attacks on science came mostly from the left; these days, they come overwhelmingly form the right, and have the backing of leading Republicans.”

Yet when Lawrence Summers invokes evolutionary theory as a hypothesis to explain sex differences with respect to the performance of female scientists, he was pilloried–by the left.

I’m getting a bit of a headache here trying to keep track of the rules on when it is or is not appropriate to invoke evolutionary theories in the modern academy. Is there a flowchart or scorecard or something to which I can refer when in doubt?

Incidentally, my impression is that contra Krugman, most of those who are consistent evolutionary analysts tend to be libertarians and conservatives (often Hayek-influenced).

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