Impeach Nino:

As every right-thinking person knows, the judiciary recently has run amok. It’s high time we did something about it. I think the solution is clear: we need to impeach Justice Antonin Scalia.

  If you think about it, Justice Scalia is directly or indirectly responsible for many of the problems with the modern judiciary. Not only did Scalia personally fail to intervene in the Schiavo case, ignoring the will of Congress, but he has repeatedly urged judges to simply ignore Congressional intent. He refuses to cite legislative history, woodenly following the “text” rather than deferring to clear statements of what Congressional leaders intended to do. This kind of judicial hubris is simply unacceptable.

  Scalia is even worse in the area of constitutional interpretation. His activist opinions have invented new constitutional rights for marijuana growers, given thousands of convicted criminals a “get out of jail free” card, and tried to limit the President’s ability to fight the war on terror. In addition, Scalia has relied heavily on foreign legal sources to interpret allegedly ambiguous provisions of the Bill of Rights (see part II.A). Indeed, Scalia’s contempt for our system of Government is so great that he admits he wants to see the Constitution “dead.”

  The American people deserve better than Scalia’s satanic Marxist activism. It’s time to impeach Nino.

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