“Love That Dare Not Squeak Its Name”:

A New York Times piece on homosexuality among animals. The introduction reminds me of Opus’s talk of “penguin lust,” though I’m pretty sure that Opus himself is pretty straight, though occasionally interested in other species.

     Of course, the article also mentions the bonobos, always good for some prurient appeal (“Female bonobos have been observed to engage in homosexual activity almost hourly”!). Hey, wouldn’t that be a good name for an intellectual art-rock band? “The Bonobos.” Few listeners would get the allusion, but those who do would appreciate it. Thanks to How Appealing for the pointer.

UPDATE — blog imitates art: Reader Adam Roesch reports that there is indeed a one-man musical outfit called “Bonobo”. I’m sure the chicks go wild! Or is it the chimps?

FURTHER UPDATE: Anthony Argyriou points to a band called The Bonobos. They stole my idea!

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