Credit/Debt Recovery:

I’ve been checking out this blog off-and-on for awhile now, and it has some useful and interesting stuff on credit industry issues. Here’s a nice post by Jeff Michael on whether filing for bankruptcy will be that much “harder” for most filers after reform, and a useful warning about the inevitable funny numbers that will pop up when the bill goes into effect this fall. (Remember that most of the provisions don’t go into effect for 6 months, except for the new anti-abuse provisions regarding the homestead exemption which will apply immediately).

I liked this post too summarizing the media coverage of the bankruptcy reform legislation the day it was signed:

President Bush has signed the bankruptcy reform act into law.
I’m not linking to a news article about it, because I can’t find one (I’ve looked at over 238 articles now) that doesn’t approach the news with a clear bias. All of them use phrases like “…making it harder for debt-ridden Americans to get relief…” etc. Journalism as it was taught to me is dead.

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