IHS Offers Independent Study Guides:

One implication of the ideological imbalance of the modern academy is that students who are interested in classical liberal, libertarian, or conservative ideas must look outside their university for education. I was pleased to see that the Institute for Humane Studies at GMU is in the process of rolling out a series of “Independent Study Guides” for students in the Social Sciences and Humanities.

It was through IHS that I first came across Hayek and other classical liberal thinkers, as I was not exposed to free-market thinking when I was in college. The first unit IHS has provided is on Economics, and it heavily features on-line resources. Subsequent units will be on Political Science, Law, History, Literature, etc., and it looks like they are scheduled to premier once a month for the foreseeable future.

They also have a short, but essential bibliography.

ISI also publishes a series of books on its Guides to the Major Disciplines.

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