
It looks to me like Tom Palmer has updated the appearance of his website and blog, Tom is an old friend of mine of whom I have enormous respect. In addition to his formidable skills as a political thinker—he is extraordinarily well read—Tom effectively and courageously fights in the trenches to advance the cause of liberty. He made many solo trips behind the Iron Curtain before 1989 to help build local liberal—i.e. libertarian—organizations and networks there. After originally opposing the US invasion of Iraq, he has literally been on the front lines of that conflict—making trips to Iraq, most recently a couple weeks ago, to assist the indigenous political forces for liberty within that country. (He now owns his own set of body armor.) He comments on his most recent trip here and here.

Tom’s thoughts on his blog are always worth reading. Today, for example, he touts an excellent film with very libertarian themes: The Jack Bull. I strongly recommend adding to your list of frequently surveyed blogs.

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