
Just sent to my publisher the second edition of my First Amendment textbook, now titled “The First Amendment and Related Statutes.” Quite a load off my mind: Making massive revisions to a 1050-page textbook — of which probably about 250 pages are original text of mine, and the remainder are fairly heavily edited cases — took a lot of time and effort, and quite a bit of worry, since everything needs to be very carefully checked and proofread. I still have many projects on my docket (including two small but time-consuming ones, on which my primary responsibility won’t be done for about 18 years), but it’s great to have this one finally done.

Naturally, if you’re a teacher who is interested in adopting this textbook for your class — either a law school or a university class — please let me know, and I’d love to send you the proofs, and, as soon as it’s printed, the published book and the teacher’s edition. Note that the book’s format, which includes a built-in outline, problems, and explicit discussions of policy arguments, strikes me as quite useful for undergraduate classes as well as for law classes.

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