VC Happy Hour Set For June 9th:

Many thanks to readers who responded to my query about a Volokh Conspiracy Happy Hour. I received something like 50 or 60 e-mails, each representing anywhere from 1 to 11 attendees. Sounds like it should be a pretty fun event.

  As of right now, I’ve settled on a date but not a place. The date of the 1st official VC happy hour will be Thursday, June 9. The place is not yet set, but will be somewhere in downtown DC in the Metro Center/Foggy Bottom area. (Oh, and my apologies to readers who would like to attend but don’t live anywhere near DC; physical space being what it is, our options are limited.)

  I’ve also decided that we’ll be hosting not just one happy hour, but two. A bunch of friends of the VC are coming to DC later in the summer (cough, cough), and to accomodate as many people as possible we’re going to have a second DC happy hour in late July or early August.

  Hope to see you all — okay, not all, as there isn’t a bar big enough to fit everyone, but lots of you — on the 9th. I’ll post about the place and time as soon as I know the details.

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