Alphecca’s Excellent News Round-up:

Alphecca, a self-described “gay gun nut in Vermont” compiles a weekly news collection of stories on firearms rights and media bias thereon. Today’s compilation is especially interesting. It includes:

  • An Illinois bill, which may become law over the Governor’s veto, that would close the so-called “gun show loophole” and abolish state police record-keeping on firearms transactions by law-abiding gun owners.

  • The Stonewall Second Amendment Society, a Utah gay gun rights groups which is fighting some anti-diversity bigots who want to keep the group from marching in Salt Lake City’s gay rights parade.

  • The full text of Secretary Rice’s recent explanation of her adamant support for the Second Amendment–and NPR’s analysis thereof.

And there’s much, much more. If you’re interested in lively blogging on Second Amendment issues, Alphecca is an outstanding site.

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