A Blast from the Past:

North Korea’s “Korean Central News Agency”, always a good surrealistic read, is partying like it’s Moscow 1949:

Kim Il Sung Is Eternal Sun of Humankind: Guinean Figure

Pyongyang, May 21 (KCNA) — Banou Keita, director general of the Kim Il Sung Institute of Agricultural Science in Guinea and chairman of the Guinean Society for the Study of the Juche Farming Method who is on a visit to the DPRK, said in an interview with KCNA that President Kim Il Sung is the eternal sun of humankind. He said that visiting the International Friendship Exhibition he was struck with admiration at the great traits of Kim Il Sung and leader Kim Jong Il. Paying deep concern to the development of agriculture in African countries, the President indicated the concrete ways of development and the Kim Il Sung Institute of Agricultural Science was established in Guinea under his deep care, he said.

Noting that he was deeply moved to see the Korean people waging a vigorous struggle to build a great prosperous powerful nation, united close around Kim Jong Il, he went on to say:

Korea has wrought world-startling miracles and innovations thanks to the invincible might of the Songun politics pursued by Kim Jong Il and the strength of the Korean people single-mindedly united around him.

The revolutionary history of Kim Il Sung will shine long as the Korean people hold Kim Jong Il in high esteem as the great leader.

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