Who Wants to Draft Judge Prado?:

Both How Appealing and SCOTUSblog provide links today to a new website, www.DraftPrado.org, that claims to be part of an “independent grassroots campaign” to encourage President Bush to nominate Fifth Circuit Judge Ed Prado to the Supreme Court.

A Supreme Court Justice for All Americans

Imagine a Supreme Court nominee with a mainstream approach to the law who has earned the respect of both Republicans and Democrats. Imagine a nominee for the Supreme Court of unquestioned stature with decades of judicial experience.
Stop imagining…

Meet Judge Ed Prado.

  The idea that some average Americans might come together to push a little-known judge for a seat on the Supreme Court is pretty interesting, so I figured I would look into it and see who is behind the campaign. The campaign’s website states that it is being run by people who, “[i]n an era of intense partisanship, . . . believe the time is right to come together around a highly qualified consensus nominee.” It lists a few names in particular: Arkadi Gerney, Marc Laitin, and Tim Cullen.

  I googled Arkadi, Marc, and Tim to see if I could find out more about who they are. It turns out that Arkadi, Marc and Tim have together led at least three other campaigns in the last two years, the goals of which might give you at least a little perspective on this latest independent effort:

Run Against Bush: A Movement to Defeat George W. Bush in 2004
Launched late 2003, the Run Against Bush campaign raised over $450,000 in small donations from over 11,000 runners across the country.

The KerryConnector
Started in July 2003, the Kerry Connector was an online grassroots meeting and house-party tool that was partially integrated into the Kerry campaign website in October 2004 and was a model for the John Kerry Volunteer Center (www.volunteer.johnkerry.com/) that premiered in June, 2004.

Concerts for Kerry / Concerts for Change
Launched in March 2004, the Concerts effort raised more than $370,000 to support John Kerry from 16,000 concertgoers at events around the country.

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