So What Percentage of America are White Christians?–

The latest Howard Dean flap is over his claim that Republicans are “pretty much a white, Christian party.”

Since about 63% of the adult public in the US are white Christians, it would not be surprising if at least the majority in any party were white Christians. Here is the breakdown of white Christians in the 2004 General Social Survey by party adherence:

41% Strong Democrats (eg, 41% of Strong Democrats are white Christians).

52% Other Democrats.

52% Independents, Leaning Dem.

57% Independents.

78% Independents, Leaning Repub.

78% Other Republicans.

89% Strong Republicans.

57% Other Party.

So about 84% of Republicans are white Christians, compared to about 47% of Democrats. Neither party is a good cross-section of the American public.

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