Commerce Clause Satire:

I’ll bet you’d never seen those three words together before. (Neither had google, by the way.) In any case, it’s at Fafblog (thanks to Hit & Run for the pointer). Excerpt:

“Insolent pot!” says Giblets. “Be more vendible!”
“Giblets why are you yellin at that pot plant?” says me.
“Giblets is trying to turn it into commerce,” says Giblets. “But buying and selling it is too much work. He wants it to be commerce NOOOOOWWW!”
“Silly Giblets, everything is commerce!” says me. “Let’s step into this maaaagical schoolbus and we will learn all about Our World Of Commerce!”


When you hold a ball in the air it has POTENTIAL commerce. When you let it go the potential commerce turns into KINETIC commerce, which makes it faaaaalllllll through the air! It is caught by Congress or gravity. Classroom Learning Challenge: Levy a tariff on the ball before it hits the ground! . . .

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