Supreme Court Review (next week):

Next Thursday, June 30th, I will be participating in the American Constitution Society’s Supreme Court Review to be held at the National Press Club (and possibly also broadcast on C*SPAN). Other panelists include former U.S. Solicitors General Drew Days and Seth Waxman, former New York Solicitor General Preeta Bansal, Avis Buchanan of the DC Defender Service, Professor Richard Lazarus, Georgetown Law Center and Director, Supreme Court Institute (which organized a moot court for me in Raich), Professor Nina Pillard, Georgetown Law Center, and former Dean Kathleen Sullivan, Stanford Law School.

The specifics: Thursday, June 30, 9:00 am, Ballroom, National Press Club, 13th Floor, 529 14th St., NW, Washington, DC. There is no cost to attend this event. Please RSVP to Events [at] ACSLaw [dot] org. Further details on the program are available on the ACS Blog here.

I must admit it that it is a bit hard to get psyched to prepare for this panel by reading this term’s opinions but duty calls. Perhaps this program will be the appropriate forum at which to officially mark the end of The Rehnquist Court and the triumph of The Stevens Court. Perhaps the Chief will decide to stick around and await reinforcements.

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