Hearsay Exception Explained:

For those, like me, who never really got the hearsay rule and its exceptions, you have two choices. First, you can do like me and practice in bankruptcy court, which has somewhat loose de facto evidence rules.

Second, you can learn everything you need to know from this video enactment of the hearsay exception acted out by Lego characters (yes, Lego characters) with a rocking musical accompaniment.

HT to Sean Sirrine, who has the story behind the video as well.


Just to clarify, my comment that the video has “everything you need to know” was in jest–I realize that there are many more exceptions to the hearsay rule.

I’d be out of a job quick if we could replace all the law professors with Lego characters…

P.S.: A reader reminded me that the tune for the video is from the Schoolhouse Rock video “Interjection!”–I knew I recognized it, but couldn’t place it precisely.

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