Brief Followup About Academic Legal Writing:

Yesterday’s e-mail brought five orders for the book, and the following kind note:

Just wanted to add my e-mail to those you’ve already received re Academic Legal Writing.

I bought your book and read it before law school and used it extensively my first year. I was selected for law review and have gotten rave reviews on my writing from my employer. I’ve even gotten an offer from my firm for employment after law school; I understand that’s pretty rare for a 1L. They told me the primary reason for my early offer was my writing.

Thanks again for your excellent book; it’s made a great difference in my legal career so far. I plan to recommend it to all the members of law review at my school.

[Name omitted]

P.S. Please feel free to publish this on your site if you’d like, but please
remove my name if you do, because I mention employment details.

OK, now I promise to pipe down about the book for a while.

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