Questions for Law Review Articles Editors:

I’m trying to solve a few puzzles related to how quickly — or slowly — law reviews get to read manuscripts. I know that people sometimes get offers two or three days after the article arrived at the journals, but I also sense that some journals take quite a while to do anything with the articles they get. There are naturally lots of plausible explanations for this, but before we go into such speculations, I was hoping I might get some background data on how journals actually oerate.

So if readers who are law review articles editors, or who were articles editors at any time since the 2002-03 year, can give me some feedback on this in the comments, I’d be much obliged. My questions:

(1) About how many submissions did you/do you get per day in September, which is one of the high submission seasons?

(2) About how long does it take between the time the envelope arrives at the law review, or the e-mail is received by the law review, and the time an articles editor at least starts skimming the piece?

(3) When you get more articles than you can conveniently read, which ones did you generally start with? (If they’re ones you were most interested in, what categories were those? The more detail, the better. If you know the answers for your fellow articles editors, please give me a sense of them; or if you prefer just to say what you did, that would be fine, too.)

(4) If you found an article that you liked, how quickly could your journal generate an offer, assuming your colleagues agreed with you?

(5) Roughly what ranking is your school in the U.S. News & World Report rankings? (If you feel comfortable just giving the name of your journal, please do; conversely, if you want to give a rough range, such as 15-20 or 30-40 [but not something as rough as “top 20”], to avoid identify yourself or your journal, that would be fine.)

(6) Was your journal the primary journal or a specialty journal?

Please feel free to post the answers anonymously, if you prefer. Many thanks in advance.

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