Are You a Family Lawyer?

If so, can you advise me about how I can best inform family lawyers about the arguments in my Parent-Child Speech and Child Custody Speech Restrictions?

I think that lots of family lawyers could find the arguments quite useful — I can’t promise that they’ll win with them in court, but they might win with them, so the arguments will generally be worth making. (If you need a two-sentence summary of the article, it’s “Palmore v. Sidoti meets the First Amendment: Why courts generally shouldn’t consider parents’ speech, religious or not, any more than they can consider parents’ and stepparents’ race.”)

But family lawyers don’t usually read law reviews, I suspect. What’s the best way for me to get the arguments to them? At a conference? By publishing an article in a practitioner newsletter? By getting treatise writers or practice guide writers to cite them? Let me know, please, and the more detailed, the better. Just post a comment, or e-mail me at volokh at . Thanks!

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