I’m Sure Karl Rove Is Listening:

President Bush has promised to consult widely before announcing who he will choose to replace Justice O’Connor. Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg apparently has interpreted this as an opportunity to give President Bush a bit of advice:

  Ruth Bader Ginsburg told an audience Wednesday that she doesn’t like the idea of being the only female justice on the U.S. Supreme Court.
  But in choosing to fill one of the two open positions on the court, “any woman will not do,” she said.
 There are “some women who might be appointed who would not advance human rights or women’s rights,” Ginsburg told those gathered at the New York City Bar Association.
  . . .
  “I have a list of highly qualified women, but the president has not consulted me,” Ginsburg said during a brief interview Wednesday night.

  Hat tip: Howard.

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