The Selling of Harriet Miers, Part V:

Newsweek has an interesting story on how the White House is approaching the Miers nomination. An excerpt, describing the latest developments:

  The president has conservative allies of his own, chief among them a Jedi of Beltway combat, Newt Gingrich. New talking points were issued to them late last week, focusing on Miers’s rather thin list of qualifications—bar-association presidencies, corporate legal work and a term as a member of the Dallas City Council. . . .
  The idea—the hope—is to generate some positive buzz with testimonials. Strategists have lined up endorsements and op-eds to be doled out day by day, one of them an Oval Office pageant of praise featuring former members of the Texas Supreme Court. Miers will work her way through a series of office visits with senators, with a fairly heavy emphasis on Republicans who have kept their distance so far.

  Thanks to Howard for the link.

&nbsp UPDATE: Time Magazine has more:

  The White House’s 20-person “confirmation team” will line up news conferences, opinion pieces and letters to the editor by professors and former colleagues who can talk about Miers’ experience dealing with such real-world issues as the Voting Rights Act when she was a Dallas city council member and Native American tribal sovereignty when she was chairwoman of the Texas Lottery Commission.

  And this part was interesting, too:

  Bush’s friends contend that it is the conservative elite, not the President, who miscalculated and that self-righteous right-wingers stand to lose their seats at the table of power for the next three years. “They’re crazy to take him on this frontally,” said a former West Wing official. “Not many people have done that with George Bush and lived to tell about it.”

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