More Evidence For The Miers Tipping Point,

courtesy of a fascinating story by Byron York. The intro:

  Strategists working with the White House in support of the Supreme Court nomination of Harriet Miers are becoming increasingly demoralized and pessimistic about the nomination’s prospects on Capitol Hill in the wake of Miers’s meetings with several Republican and Democratic senators. On a conference call held this morning, they even discussed whether Miers should simply stop visiting with lawmakers, lest any further damage be done — and so that time spent in such get-acquainted sessions will not cut into Miers’s intensive preparation for her confirmation hearing.

  And the conclusion:

  “In the early days, there were people on the call who tried to give facile defenses of Miers, and they were immediately shot down,” says a fourth source. “And by the way, those defenses weren’t as insulting as the White House line — no way would they have done the ‘sexist, elitist’ line.”
  In summary, says the first source, “People have been looking for ways to support this. There are a lot of us who would like to find a reason to be encouraged. Every time I try to accommodate myself to this nomination, folks at the White House say idiotic things that piss me off, like that spin on Rove’s part about her supposed deep involvement in judicial selection for three years, which is just not accurate.”
  “Demoralization and pessimism?” the source continues. “That’s been a constant. We’re in the various stages of grief.”

  Remember, this is from the group working with the White House in support of the nomination.

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