Anonymous Blogging:

In the wake of David Lat’s decision to come forward as A3G, Howard Bashman has some thoughts on the viability of anonymous blogging. Howard is absolutely correct that truly anonymous blgging is exceedingly difficult to do, particularly if someone is determined to find out who you are and you respond to e-mails and blog on matters that relate to your professional or personal interests. I believe Howard was one of the first to figure out who I am, but he certainly was not the last. Indeed, I am quite surprised that my pseduonym has lasted this long and that I have not been unmasked by a reader less respectful of my decision to blog pseudonymously than Howard has been. In any event, this discussion will soon be moot, as I will not be blogging as Juan much longer. (And when that happens, I am quite certain it will generate less surprise, attention, and comment than with A3G.)

UPDATE: More on this subject at Concurring Opinions and Half Sigma.

UPDATE: Still more worth reading at Prawfsblog.

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