Looking for a Good Holiday Present for a Law Student or Soon-To-Be-Law-Student?

Just thought I’d mention again that my Academic Legal Writing: Law Review Articles, Student Notes, Seminar Papers, and Getting on Law Review could do the job — plus, you can get it personally signed and inscribed, if you’d like. If you follow the link, you’ll also see some unsolicited compliments from readers, but I thought I’d also throw in some others that have arrived more recently:

“As Co-Directors of Faculty Development for our law school and former faculty advisors to our law review, we have become familiar with your excellent book, Academic Legal Writing, now in its second edition. We routinely recommend it to students working for our school’s journals, and now in our new roles as Co-Directors of Faculty Development, we find we are recommending it to our colleagues.”
— Anne M. Enquist & John Mitchell, Seattle University School of Law

“Outstanding book on student writing; simply excellent.”
— Art LaFrance, Professor of Law and former Dean, Lewis & Clark Law School

“[T]hank you for your book on academic legal writing. It was has been very beneficial this past year during the writing and submitting of my first post-graduation article. I submitted the article . . . this past fall and I made it to final consideration at [a top 15 primary journal and a top 30 primary journal]. [A scholar] is planning to cite the paper in his forthcoming [article at a top 5 law review], and [another scholar] invited me to present the paper next spring at [another top 5 law school], so I am planning to resubmit the article in March. But regardless, I know that my article (especially the introduction) and my understanding of the submission process benefitted greatly from your book.”
— Dan Kelly, recent law school graduate

“[T]hank you again for writing Academic Legal Writing. . . . [In a later message, responding to my request for permission to quote his original message:] I think the book is great . . . . I sent my [student competition] paper to a professor who co-wrote an amicus brief to the Supremes in [the relevant Supreme Court case] and he . . . offered to co-author a paper with me on the subject. (And, recently, [another professor] has asked me to be his research assistant.) I absolutely credit your book and have recommended it to everyone I know engaged in any academic legal writing task. Let me know if I can be of any further small assistance.”
— Bart Motes, law student

“I’ve been an RA for [a professor] since last year and he highly recommends it to his students. I should thank you for autographing my copy last year when my classmates bought it as a birthday gift. I’m also very happy to report I have since won 1st place in the ABA James Boskey ADR Writing Competition and been invited to publish [in three journals].
— Nivine Zakhari, law student

“I found your book extremely helpful during law school, so now that I’ve graduated I want to give it as a gift to two of my friends, entering 1Ls.”
— Joe Gratz, recent law school graduate.

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