Harvard Spoofs Harvard

A column in The Harvard Law Record makes fun of this survey by The Record of Harvard Law Students ranking law schools in which, surprise, Harvard Law School is ranked #1:

The 2005-06 Record rankings have revealed that Harvard Law School is the best law school in the nation. Because HLS students have a knack for getting the right answers, we are not surprised that HLS has achieved this accomplishment. There is absolutely no way that 104 HLS students can be wrong.

While no ranking system is perfect, HLS should take pride in this prestigious and much deserved honor. We concede that all rankings systems have methodological flaws, but the fact that HLS is ranked #1 should alleviate at least some, if not most, of these concerns. The fact that HLS students have proved that HLS is the greatest American law school demonstrates the scientific validity of our study. . . .

(Hat tip Brian Leiter)

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