Prediction: Israel Will Strike Iran

This is hardly an original insight, but I predict that Israel willstrike Iran within the next few months, with the goal of disrupting orterminating Iran’s nuclear program. My contribution is that I justreturned from Israel, and I found a remarkable consensus in favor ofdoing whatever is necessary to stop Iran (a consensus no doubtsolidified by Iranian threats to annihilate Israel, and recent viciousanti-Semitism emanating from the highest rank of the Iraniangovernment). One leftist member of my wife’s family told me that the IDFwill do whatever is necessary. When I expressed concern that Iran willretaliate through Hizbullah, he replied that the Lebanese governmentwill stop any large-scale retaliation, or the ramifications will bedisastrous in and for Beirut. Other leftists of my acquaintance wereequally inclined to support vigorous action against Iran, and equallyconfident of the government’s ability to manage the situation. Giventhat the anti-Iranian consensus is so solid even on the Left, I would bevery surprised if the Israeli government fails to follow through on itspromise to prevent Iran from acquiring atomic weapons–assuming, ofcourse, that Iran isn’t stopped by other international forces.

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