Former Alito Clerks — And A Current Colleague — on C-SPAN:

It’s a slow news day here at the VC for some reason, so I thought I would fill in the void by pointing out that two of my friends were on C-Span’s America and the Courts feature this weekend talking about their experiences clerking for Judge Alito. Jeff Wasserstein clerked for Judge Alito in 1997-98, the year I clerked for Judge Garth in the same courthouse complex. Hannah Smith clerked for Justice Thomas the year I was clerking for Justice Kennedy. I don’t know Gary Rubman, who clerked for Alito in 2000-01, but I like him already because he graduated from GW Law; based on that fact alone, I can assure you that he is a man of outstanding character and judgment. (Based on last week’s experience, some commenters will think this is just “propaganda“; I assure you that I’m just trying to embarrass my friends. Also, it would be really weird if that 3-line link to Marty’s post were the only VC post on a Monday, wouldn’t it?)

  Oh, and while you’re at it, check out the interview with the always-interesting Judge Edward Becker, one of Judge Alito’s colleagues on the Third Circuit. It begins at the 27 minute mark. Thanks to Howard for the link.

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