Time to Bring Back Congressional Term Limits:

This George Will column (hat tip: Instapundit) makes a brief case for bringing back congressional term limits. In 1995, the Supreme Court determined in a 5-4 vote that term limits imposed by state legislatures were unconstitutional. As someone who believes that Supreme Court jurisprudence is affected by external events, I think one or more states should try to enforce their old term limits statutes or pass new ones, and see if they can’t get Justice Kennedy or one of the other justices from the previous majority to switch his vote. Now that the Republicans seem to have firmly entrenched their majority in the House and maybe the Senate, and proven themselves too often utterly corrupt in the process,perhaps some of the more liberal Justices will rethink their views on term limits, which I found completely unpersuasive from a constitutional perspective to begin with.

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