More on the Canadian Professor and the Cartoons:

The Canadian Press reports:

An outspoken professor who was forced to remove incendiary drawings of the Prophet Muhammad from his office door now plans to display them in his classroom to prove a point about freedom of speech. . . .

“I probably will take them into the classroom tomorrow morning,” [Peter March] said in an interview Wednesday.

“There’s a clash between (the university’s) perception of protecting health and safety and my perception of what my job is. My job is, I think, to take risks.”

A university spokesman said while March is free to discuss the drawings in class, displaying them is another matter.

“It would be up to the professor to decide whether that would be appropriate and necessary,” said Chuck Bridges, the university’s vice-president of external affairs. “I can’t speculate on that. We have to wait and see what would happen if it happens.” . . .

March was confronted Wednesday outside his university office by three Muslim students.

“I will say what I want . . . this is a university, this is a university,” March told the students.

“That was a little bit disrespectful for the Muslims who are here,” one of the students said to March, who told them he respects their rights.

“But I don’t believe in your faith,” he said. “I believe your faith is a pernicious thing – the same as Christianity, the same as Hinduism.”

March said later that he was confronted in his office by another group who told him to apologize or face the consequences.

“The leader said, ‘We’re going to get you,'” said the professor, adding he notified police.

The controversy was also being felt in Charlottetown, where the student newspaper at the University of Prince Edward Island published the 12 cartoons.

The university moved quickly to stop about 2,000 copies of the newspaper from being distributed on campus.

“When we realized that they were in circulation, we acted to round up the copies that were in circulation,” said UPEI president Wade MacLauchlan.

“We see it as a reckless invitation to public disorder and humiliation.”

Ray Keating, editor of The Cadre, said he was disappointed by what he views as censorship by the university.

“I see this as an issue of freedom of expression and freedom of the press,” he said.

Meanwhile, March said he plans to launch a union grievance against Saint Mary’s, which ordered him to remove the drawings from his door Tuesday.

“There’s a great deal in my collective agreement that says that what I am doing, which is engaging public discussion using my skills as a philosopher, is part of my job description,” he said. . . .

Paul Bowlby, chairman of religious studies at Saint Mary’s, is another who was bothered by March’s actions.

“I find it very offensive that academic freedom is being used to defend an act of posting those cartoons in a public space, on a university campus,” he said. . . .

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