Query about Iraq-Kuwait reparations:

Is it possible for Kuwait to assign to a third party an award made to Kuwait by the United Nations Compensation Commission? I am talking about Iraqi reparations here. We know that Iraqi debtors are under pressure to forgive, how does this apply legally to those who hold reparations claims, namely Kuwait? As I understand international law (poorly, that is), an award made by a judicial tribunal may be assigned to another party or institution. I am interested in the general question of whether such awards can go to non-profit and development enterprises more generally, or whether they must remain in state hands, in this case the government of Kuwait. Wouldn’t it be nice if the award could be put to valuable use? I wonder if in part the real question is whether UNCC could be considered a judicial tribunal, in which case assignment might be possible. Please write me if you know anything about this or have related leads.

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