Recommendations for PDA-enabled blogs?

As some of you know, I archive most of my postings on my own website, on a blog I call “Kopel’s Corner.” There’s often a lag time of several days or more between when I write for VC and when I get around to copying the item to Kopel’s Corner. I also maintain a PDA-friendly version of the KC weblog. I would like to revise the KC PDA weblog’s blogroll, so that it includes only PDA-enabled weblogs. If you have suggestions for good weblogs — particularly ones which focus on politics, policy, law, or religion — please supply your recommendations in the comments section. Please feel free also to recommend PDA-enabled websites, even if they’re not blogs. From my Treo 650, I’m a frequent reader of Instapundit to Go and the PDA version of Powerline, but I would like to learn about more high-quality PDA sites.

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