Bleg for D.C. Area House Rental Help:

Your friendly neighborhood Volokh Conspirator, lovely wife, and beautiful baby are planning a mid-May return to the D.C. area, and are looking for a house to rent. We have a little flexibility on a lease starting date (e.g., May 1 or June 1), and a lot of flexibility on a lease ending date. Furnished or unfurnished okay. We’d like at least three bedrooms and two baths. Close-in No. Va. would be ideal, but we’ll consider D.C. and close-in Maryland, too. So, do you know (or are you) a D.C.-area professor leaving on sabbatical in May? A World Bank or IMF employee spending a year abroad? We could of course go through a broker, but we figure there are probably a lot of folks out there who want to rent out their house while they’re away, but, unlike rental property investors, don’t want to put it on the “rental market.” Please send any leads to me at debernst at sign Thanks. Now back to our regularly scheduled programming.

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