Scalia’s Infidelity at UCLA

On Thursday I will be speaking at UCLA School of Law on Scalia’s Infidelity: A Critique of Faint-Hearted Originalism, a topic on which I spoke last week at the University of Iowa. The program will be at 12:30-1:20 p.m. in Room 1327. Be sure to introduce yourself as a VC reader.

This will be my last talk of the school year. This year has been extremely intense, starting with my visit in the fall semester to Georgetown, during which time I commuted home to Boston on weekends. Then this semester, I crammed a year’s worth of conferences and speaking invitations into one semester, at the same time I ended up having to brief and argue the Raich case in the Ninth Circuit and house-hunt in DC. I am looking to a more tranquil summer during which I can make progress on the new Constitutional Law casebook I am writing, as well as doing some more blogging, before moving to the Georgetown University Law Center in the fall.

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