Bloggers-Meet-Readers on Thursday, April 27, 9 pm, in Cambridge, Massachusetts:

A bunch of bloggers, including some of us Conspirators, will be in Cambridge for a Harvard Law School Berkman Center conference on blogging and legal scholarship next Thursday and Friday (April 27 and 28), and we plan to hang out either at the Harvard Faculty Club (if a room there can be reserved for the right time) or at a local bar on Thursday, April 27, at 9 pm.

If you’re around that evening and would like to join us, please mark your calendars; we’ll post more when the exact place is worked out. So far, it looks like these bloggers are on for that evening:

Douglas Berman, Sentencing Law and Policy
Gail Heriot, The Right Coast
Jim Lindgren, The Volokh Conspiracy
Christine Hurt, Conglomerate
Paul Butler, BlackProf
Michael Froomkin, Discourse.Net
Gordon Smith, Conglomerate
Betsy Malloy, Health Law Prof Blog
Randy Barnett, The Volokh Conspiracy
Orin Kerr, The Volokh Conspiracy and
Howard Bashman, How Appealing
Dan Solove, Concurring Opinions
Ann Althouse, Althouse
Eric Goldman, Technology & Marketing Law Blog
Larry Ribstein, Ideoblog
Peter Lattman, Wall Street Journal’s Law Blog
Paul Caron, Taxprof
Larry Solum, Legal Theory Blog
Ellen Podgor, White Collar Crime Prof Blog

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