Baby Shower Trivia Questions:

My wife is organizing a baby shower for a friend of ours, and asked me to come up with a little trivia game — the questions can be about “[a]nything fun and baby-related,” though I think that small-child-related is fine, too. (Nursery-rhyme-related questions, for instance, are fine, but the old “Ring Around the Rosey” / plague connection item seems likely to be a myth.) Any suggestions?

Please post questions together with links to pages containing the answers, if you have a link; that way, other readers will have fun guessing, and both the readers and I will have verification that the answers are accurate. If you have a paper source but not a link, please include the answer and a citation to the source. Comments casting doubt on the accuracy of an earlier answer, or suggesting a more precise formulation for the question, are perfectly fair game. I like my trivia games to be well-vetted . . . .

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