“These hands are registered as deadly weapons . . . in Guam!”

Jon Roland has uncovered that the “Karate experts must register their hands and feet as deadly weapons” line — which I had assumed was generally a joke, but if taken seriously has been debunked as an urban legend — is actually true in at least one place: Guam. Here’s 10 Guam Code Ann. sec. 62100:

Any person who is an expert in the art of karate or judo, or any similar physical ar[t] in which the hands and feet are used as deadly weapons, is required to register with the Department of Revenue and Taxation.

Experts are defined by sec. 62104:

A karate or judo expert required to register by the provisions of this Chapter shall be a person trained in the arts of karate, judo or other hand-to-hand fighting technique, whereby the hands, feet or other parts of the body are used as weapons, who shall have completed at least one level of training therein and shall have been issued a belt or other symbol showing proficiency in such art.

Oh, and remember, Grasshopper: According to sec. 62106, “Any registered karate or judo expert who thereafter is charged with having used his art in a physical assault on some other person, shall upon conviction thereof, be deemed guilty of aggravated assault.”

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