More on the Sandra Tsing Loh / public radio dirty word incident:

Cathy Seipp puts it well:

On Friday Ruth Seymour asked Sandra Tsing Loh to return to KCRW — in her old plum drivetime slot too, not the early Sunday morning graveyard she’d been banished to these past few months — but was turned down. This came as no surprise to me.

Suggestion to anyone in Ruth Seymour’s position: When you do something stupid like ax a popular commentator for one small mistake, in a hamhanded move that looks like an hysterical overreaction to the FCC crackdown, it might be a good idea to refrain from badmouthing that commentator to the press and implying she’s got psychological problems. It also might be smart to send over a large basket of flowers — or at the very least, an apology — when the ensuing furor makes you later decide to offer said commentator her spot back.

And here’s another heads-up: When your canned commentator is thinking about your offer over the weekend, maybe also refrain from passing on a line from Hemingway for her to ponder: “Life breaks everyone, but some are strong in the broken places.” Again: Flowers and apologies, always a good idea. Words of wisdom about how to learn from one’s mistakes: Not always a good idea.

Just my two cents.

Read Cathy’s post for more.

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