Hillary, in High Curmudgeon:

As quoted in the New York Post — “Kids, for whatever reason, think they’re entitled to go right to the top with $50,000 or $75,000 jobs when they have not done anything to earn their way up …. A lot of kids don’t know what work is. They think work is a four-letter word…. We’ve got to send a different message to our young people. America didn’t happen by accident. A lot of people worked really hard. They’ve got to do their part, too.”

Kids these days! Why, when I was a kid — walk to school — snow, six feet deep — both ways — shoveled manure for the pennies that I could find in it — grumble grumble grumble — o tempora, o mores . . . .

(By the way, I agree with the sentiment starting with “America didn’t,” and for all I know she’s right about kids’ attitudes these days — I just thought it was funny.)

UPDATE: Commenter Riskable writes:

I’d just like to point out a simple fact that everyone else seems to have missed: One has only to point a finger at the preceding generation to find exactly who is to blame for “kids these days.”

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