Scalia’s explanation of his reasons for not recusing himself

is available here; thanks to Howard Bashman for the pointer. Note that, among other things, Scalia also relates in some detail the relevant facts of the hunting trip (see pp. 1-3, 10, and 13-14) — the statement is quite a bit different than what I’ve heard at various times in casual conversation with friends.

     I’ll also be happy to post a link to the Sierra Club’s motion asking Justice Scalia to recuse himself, if anyone passes it along to me (at volokh at I’m not knowledgeable enough on the details of the litigation, or on recusal law, to express an expert opinion on the subject, but I thought the arguments of the main antagonists were worth passing along.

UPDATE: Thanks to Howard Bashman and several other correspondents for e-mailing me the address of the Sierra Club motion.

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